Taken But Still Single

Iruoma Awo
3 min readFeb 18, 2021

Communication keeps the Honeycomb flowing

Photo by: Alvin Mahmudov on Unsplash

To merely cohabit with the one you say you love, is worse than being in prison. Although you have your freedom, you are locked up in the corner that you have created for yourself in your relationship. Relationships have mountains and valleys. The duration of your stay in each of these locations is totally determined by you. Spend more time in the mountains than in the valleys because in the mountain, you draw strength to move forward in your relationship and in the valley, only negative energy exists there and that is toxic for your relationship.

You sometimes think that your wife, husband or partner is a monster that cannot be approached. You believe you can’t have a cordial conversation with him or her. You are sometimes convinced that he or she has a personality disorder because the nice guy or girl that is talked about by his or her colleagues, church members and friends is not the nice guy or girl that you experience or live with at home. Living this way makes you single although you are taken.

So, where exactly is this sweet, kind and charming personality that those outside the four walls your home are seeing? The truth is, within this person that you see as being unapproachable lies this sweet, kind and charming personality. To constantly experience that personality, you need to constantly woo it into existence. One question that could arise at this point is this; why do I need to woo this personality into existence when he or she freely shows it off to outsiders? The answer is this; he or she is in a relationship with you and not with them (outsiders) as such, more is expected from you. This is where the role of communication comes in.

This path of relationship cannot be walked upon with a closed mouth. A closed mouth in a relationship, will drive that relationship to a certain destination. That destination is the rocks. If you do not want that, then it’s time to open your mouth, let those words out and see your relationship begin to soar. Lavish the one with whom you are in a relationship with appreciation and affirmation. Never get tired of saying thank you. Express gratitude to him or her when he or she supports or helps you out. Never take him or her for granted. Don’t push him or her away when he or she comes to you with questions. Embrace the moment and see it as a bonding opportunity. Don’t talk him or her down. Rather, when he or she puts in some effort towards achieving a goal, tell him or her that he or she is doing a great job. Give a gift even when no occasion calls for it. When he or she looks stunning, compliment him or her. If you want to be touched in a certain way, say it. When you are turned on and need to be made love to, grab him or her. Taking the initiative is legal. Doing all these, will cause you to constantly experience that sweet, kind and charming personality all year round.

When the road gets rough, don’t go looking elsewhere because the grass on your field is the greenest grass there is and would ever be. So, nurture it! Check out more on that in my write up “Corner of Truth (1)”.

To everyone in a relationship, keep enjoying bliss.



Iruoma Awo

My name is Iruoma Awo. I enjoy writing, cooking and going for walks. I hope to inspire everyone that comes my way with my words.